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In preparation for the 2009 planting activities, which will see 470,000 seedlings distributed to 3,871 farmers in early December, the Trees4TreesTM staff developed seedling distribution plans and delivered training on tree planting and establishment with the Trees4TreesTM Area Managers & Field Coordinators. Training was delivered to new field coordinators (9 Field Coordinators and 2 Area Managers) in Banyumas for forest management units in Kebumen and Cilacap.
Mr.Taufik, the trainer, explains planting preparation activities to the Trees4Trees Field Coordinators.
Field Coordinators from Kebumen and Cilacap in the training activity at Banyumas.
Martoyo, community forest management section of Farmer Group Berkah Lestari in the seedling selection process.
Sarjono, Farmer group leader in the selected seedlings at Village Patemon.
Tree inventory
Forest management activities included continued preparation of standing stock inventories with Trees4TreesTM Treegrowers in Cilacap and Pati. Inventory activities commenced in Purbalingga and Boyolali.
Farmer group in Musuk Village-Boyolali in tree inventory training (tree height measurement). Suyatno and Sutono from the production and marketing section of farmer group Musuk, measuring tree circumference.
Education program
Meetings with 4 Schools SD Negeri Karangtanjung 2 (Kebumen), SD Negeri Bulaksari 1 (Cilacap), SD Negeri Srowot 1 (Banyumas), SD Negeri 2 Patemon (Purbalingga) were held as part of the School education program. It was agreed with the schools to develop education modules in-conjunction with these schools as a pilot program. The education modules will focus on tree planting and management. The modules will integrate with the existing environment education activities undertaken at the schools. It is intended that the modules will align with the national natural science curriculum.
Establishing Farmer Groups in Kebumen and Boyolali
Workshops were held in Kebumen and Boyolali to establish farmer groups. In Kebumen (9 Farmer groups), and Boyolali (4 Farmer groups) were established to work in partnership with the Trees4TreesTM Program.
Signing MoU with Farmer Group leader Sumarno at Musuk-Boyolali. Farmer group in Musuk Village-Boyolali, after signing a collaboration MoU with Trees4Trees.
Signing MoU with farmer group in Karang Tanjung - Kebumen. Karang Tanjung - Kebumen village leader-leads the signing event.
Introduction of the Trees4Trees™ Program with Local Government Departments including District Forestry Departments
The Trees4Trees™ Program staff held meetings with officials from the Forestry Departments of the Purbalingga, Kebumen, Cilacap, and Banyumas Districts. Disscussion were held to raise awareness regarding theTrees4Trees Foundation and it's associated program activities. An integral component of the Trees4TreesTM Program is consultation with stakeholders and participants.
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