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Riparian Planting Activity
Riparian planting activity is one of programs which is developed by Trees4Trees with the main goal is to improve the quality of river stream area to support the function of the river, we can find such activities along Cilalal riverside, Kedung Wadas and Citembong villages, Cilacap Districts. One of species that protects surface from erosion is vetiver, about 5.000 plc of vetiver have been planted along 1,5 km.
Novita, Trees4Trees staff with local villagers was planting vetiver. Vetiver plant maintains soil surface and strengthens riverbank.
Trees4Trees Showing at IFFINA
Trees4Trees participated in IFFINA Exhibition (International Furniture and Craft Fair Indonesia), Jakarta. This activity is aimed to introduce the program and the benefits of becoming Trees4Trees participants/member to the foreign and local furniture manufacturers also buyers. After visiting the exhibition, some manufacturers have been registered as Trees4Trees participants.
Latif, Trees4Trees Client Services Manager, was explaining Trees4Trees Program to visitor. Many visitors were interested in Trees4Trees Program and express their willingness to join the program
Planting Education Program
As a form of seriousness to support educational program, specifically raising environmental awareness to students, Trees4Trees is in associate with SMK PIKA (Institution of Woodworking) Semarang, conducting trees planting education to their students. Trees4Trees provides seeds to be planted by PIKA students, and donated to local farmers. This activities is part of framework of PIKA 40th Anniversary
Ejeb of Trees4Trees with PIKA’s Management and farmer, checking the farmer's land that becomes planting location.
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