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The meeting was held on October 2nd at Faculty of Forestry University of Gajah Mada
Agenda of the meeting is:
1) Introducing Trees4Trees
2) Discussion on point of agreement
UGM responded to setup agreement in 2 aspects:
1) Forestry
2) Social
Agreement will be arrange through 2 ways : 1) MoU as umbrella all activities and agreement for each activities
Initially Meeting with Elementary School (SD) of Patemon 2
SD Patemon 2 is an elementary school located in Patemon village-Purbalingga. This school is potential to developing education program because
1) Located in the same place of planting program 2009
2) The school close with farmer nursery under T4T facilitate
3) The school located in village which most of the people working as farmer
Discussion have done on how setup Trees4Trees education program with head and staff of SD Negeri Patemon 2.
SD Negeri Patemon 2 (State Elementary School of Patemon 2), at Patemon Village-Purbalingga Patemon’s nursery produce of 40,000 seedlings, located behind of SD Patemon 2
Workshop of Community Forest at Boyolali
Community forest workshop have done at Musuk Village 3 times in separate “dukuh” (sub village).
4 Farmer Group established in the end of workshop
The workshop goal are:
1) Community clear understand of Management of Community Forest
2) Establishing of Farmer Group
Munhaji process facilitating in village Musuk-Boyolali Farmer of Village Musuk attending in the workshop
Establishing of Permanent Sample Plots at FMU Cikedondong-Certification preparation
FMU Cikedondong arranged by 4 villages are Citembong, Kertajaya, Kedungwadas, Citembong
Currently this FMU managed by 2 Farmer groups (plan 2009 – 2011)
Trees inventory has been done start in September then continuing by establishing of Permanent Sample Plots (PSP’s). The plots categorized into 4 type of silviculture with total 28 plots with sampling intensity 2,5%
Combination of data PSP’s and Trees Inventory will analyze to calculate of AAC (Annual Allowable Cut)
First measurement have done in this year will continuing in the second measurement on November 2010
Center of the plot marked with label. This plot is number 1.408, located in Village Cikedondong Measuring radius of plot (15.96 meter) for Tumpangsari silviculture type
Aswanto, a member of Farmer group measure circumference of trees as database of annual increment Badrun as Field Coordinator in this area measure height trees using Clinometer
Social Impact Assessment at FMU Cikedondong- Certification preparation
Social Impact Assessment (SIA) is part in social phase. Social data collected through 3 ways :
1) Focus Group Discussion,
2) Individual interview,
3)Existing relevant study and reporting.
SIA priority to do in Cikedondong and Kertajaya Village
T4T local staff (Kamil) interviewing people in Village Kertajaya Focus group discussion at Village Cikedondong
Cultural Site Identification at FMU Cikedondong
Identification of important cultural site to avoid conflict which possible happen in development program. All site identified, recorded, mapped and documented as part of social information
Identification include tracing of village histories related with existing sites
Situs Ciyuta; Village Cikedondong Situs Ragasuci; Village Kertajaya
Sumarta is key person who knows histories of Situs Ragasuci
Situs Panembahan Kesuma Buda; Village Kedungwadas with Kasmudi as key person who knows histories of this Situs
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