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There are two main activities performed on October 2011: Tree Audit in Pati Management Unit and Trees4Trees Participation in the Workshop on Establishing Social Dimension Analysis Method (part of Community Based Commercial Forestry Research).
1. Tree Audit in Pati Management Unit
On October 2011, Trees4Trees held tree audit for 2008/2009 planting period. The audit was delivered by Trees4Trees auditors: Sri Widodo and Tangguh Agustian Wijaya. Objective of the audit:
a. Identifying tree condition planted in 2008 and 2009
b. Identifying challenges during planting
c. Identifying distribution mechanism in the field
Audited locations were three Target Areas for 2008 planting period and 8 Target Areas for 2009 planting period. Audited areas were detailed as follows:
Planting Period
Target Area
Bumiayu Bumiayu Jontro Panggungroyom
Sukoharjo Suwaduk
Wonorejo Regaloh Sambirejo Tamansari
Tlogosari Wonorejo Tanjungsari
Cabak Klumpit Suwatu
Tlogorejo Gowo Lahar Purwosari
Bumiayu Bumiayu Sukoharjo Suwaduk
Wonorejo Regaloh Sambirejo Tamansari
Tlogorejo Guwo Lahar Purwosari
Wedarijaksa Pagerharjo Wedarijaksa
Ngurensiti Margorejo Ngurenrejo Ngurensiti
Semirejo Pohgading Wonosekar
Gunungsari Gunungsari Tanjungsari
Gembong Bageng Gembong Klakahkasihan
Some of audited trees:
Area number 03 belongs to Mr. Sarwi in Village of Bumiayu, Target Area Bumiayu, Management Unit Pati shows the development of Teak planted in 2008 in Tumpangsari system. Line up of Teaks in Mr. Nyamo's yard in the Village of Tamansari, Target Area of Wonorejo, Pati Management Unit, area number 04.
Teak of 2009 planted with Talun Kebun system in area number 10 on behalf of Mr. Riswadi in Pagerharjo Village, Target Area of Wedarijaksa. Row of Teaks planted in 2009 as border plant between area number 21 belongs to Mr. Rosidi with country road of Suwaduk, Target Area of Bumiayu, Pati.
2. Trees4Trees Participation in the Workshop on Establishment of Social Dimension Analysis
Method (Research Task #1)
The workshop was part of Community Based Commercial Forestry (CBCF) and completed with field visit of Research Team in Management Unit of Pati.
Workshop on Establishment of Social Dimension Analysis (Research Task #1) which was performed at 24 to 29 October 2011 was the starting point of Community Based Commercial Forestry Research conducted in five areas in Indonesia: Pati, Gunungkidul, Bulukumba, Konawe and Sumbawa.
Trees4Trees attended the workshop since the organization had production area in Management Unit of Pati.
Objective of the workshop:
a. Establishing methodology for analyzing soacial dimension;
b. Conducting trial on the methodology in some locations;
c. Establishing team, distribution of duty and framework for social dimension analysis.
While, the final objective of Community Based Commercial Forestry is to discover the best model of community forest development which provides maximum benefit to involved community.
The workshop then continued with field visit to Trees4Trees' area program in Management Unit of Pati, Central Java. The team which consisted of researcher, academic and practician of related field would conduct trial on the social dimension analysis methodology. The team was accompanied by Ms. Novita (Trees4Trees Environmental Staff), Mr. Yuwono Kamil (Social Staff) and Mr. Andik Aristiawan as Field Coordinator.
Some activities in the locations:
Participants of the meeting were listening to information provided by Dr. Digby Race of Australian National University (3rd from right), accompanied by Dr. Elske van de Fliert of University of Queensland (2nd from right) and Ms. Silvi Nur Oktalina fro Gajah Mada University (1st from right) Mr. Amos Yari (center; white shirt), chairman of farmer group developed by Local Government Agency on Forestry, was speaking on forest development.
Table used by team, for identifying level of interest of the community towards plants: paddy, cassava, peanut, cacao, Sengon based on household need, income, marketing and treatment. After the event, team members and people involved were photographed in front of Village Head residence.
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